Cheers to you, if you haven't opened up about your problems to anyone, and a huge shout out to those who already had a moment of an emotional breakdown at least once in their life time in front of someone they never expected it to be.

Wonderful! isn't it?

Emotional breakdowns are very relaxing and stressful, both at the same time.

Relaxing, because for once you have shared your problems and the things that were bothering you and stealing your peace of mind away. Your mind relaxes as your problems are not eating you from insides anymore and for the first time your shoulders aren't feeling heavy and your heart is feeling light.

Stressful, because it comes with that uninvited and unexpected guest, that is tears. Though we feel light after crying but the headache that follows up is a disaster. 


Come on, agree to the little voice saying, 'that's true' in the back of your mind. 

You know what's the best part of having an emotional breakdown, or any sort of breakdown,

1: The sleep you get after that is one of the most peaceful one that you can have in a very long time.

2:You get a person who starts understanding you, your actions and  your decisions in a better way.

People often think that crying or sharing our problem is a sign of weakness and it's bad, its not appreciated and then we are considered as weak, unstable and emotional. According to me, its opposite. It takes a lot of efforts and strength to keep yourself up and still tend to live a normal life, follow our daily routine with everything living, breathing and residing in the back of our mind. 

When we remove our intoxicated issues and problems, its not less than gulping poison down our throat. We let our insecurities free that we were trying to hide. Its not easy. Its very difficult and it takes great efforts and will power to share our thoughts and issues with someone. 

So the next time you feel like sharing something with someone, don't hesitate. Feel free to do so.

 Because Seeking peace is never a crime unless it's done in an appropriate way.



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